Hi there! I’m Moose, a 6-year-old brown and white tabby boy. Believe it or not, as a kitten I was the runt of my litter, known as “Tiny Tim.” My adopters changed my name to Moose in the hope that I would grow up big and strong, and I’m happy to say their high hopes for me have been satisfied. I’m a big guy now, healthy, happy, and full of energy. In fact, people who watch me play tell me I should be on YouTube. Hiding in a paper bag or box and pouncing is one of my signature moves; I also love rolling around and playing with any kind of toy. My special favorites are the little sushi plushies with crunchy sounds; I never get tired of batting them up, down and around and chasing them. Oh did I tell you my best friend is Teddy, you get us both!
Playing is even more fun if people are involved, and so is everything else! I love cuddling with people, sitting on laps or just hanging out nearby in my cat tree. You can pick me up, pet me, brush me, and cuddle up a storm. I’ve also lived and played with active cats and dogs (even a German Shepherd!) with no problems.
My former person is moving and there is nobody to keep me and give me lots of attention and affection. I can hardly wait to start cuddling and playing with my new forever family!