Hi, I’m Lulu, a 4-year-old gray beauty with white paws. My previous family was moving overseas and decided I deserved a new home instead of being placed in quarantine for a long time. They were heartbroken but also told me I wouldn’t be at AWLMC too long because someone would snatch me up very quickly. Some important facts to know about me: I am sweet, sociable, confident, and chatty. When someone has a treat and says, “Are you ready?”, I respond with a meow, a blink then will catch the treat you toss my way. Some of my other talents include giving high fives on command, laying on your feet while you are cooking, and supervising you while you work. While my typing skills leave much to be desired, I am a great work from home companion, usually snoozing next to you in my cat bed. When our workday is over, you will find me chasing my toys around the house, and my favorite are toys attached to wands or wires. I am a firm advocate of being brushed and petted and will let you know when you aren’t obliging quickly enough by softly pawing you. During my down time, I love basking in the sun and looking outside the window, sometimes chatting with the birds. I like sleeping next to you at night and am a very polite bedmate, waiting for you to wake up before I start purring and asking for cuddles. I am dreaming of my furrever home and would do best in one with no young kids or other pets. I promise I am worth it, come meet me today!