Meet Jack, a charming two-year-old black cat with adorable white paws. Alongside his sister Jill, they form an inseparable bonded pair seeking a new home due to their owner's relocation to New Zealand. If you hear cute meow sounds resonating through the house, you can bet it's Jack conversing with you, especially after he gracefully jumps down from his favorite spots. He's a curious feline, always eager to know what's happening around him. Don't be surprised if he tries to engage you in a game of fetch with his beloved toy mouse – it's his favorite pastime, thanks to some impressive training from his human companion.
Jack has a quirky obsession with rubber bands and hair ties, often attempting to pilfer them for his personal collection. While he may be a bit reserved with strangers initially, once he warms up, he's an outgoing and affectionate companion. He enjoys sitting beside you on the couch, relishing in head scratches and your company. In his ideal day, he'll follow you around, keeping you company during chores, playing fetch, and ending the day lounging by your side.
Jack has been inseparable from his sister Jill since they were eight weeks old. They share a special bond, engaging in playful antics, grooming sessions, and the occasional playful tussle. Jack is hoping for a new home where he and Jill can receive love and attention.