This adorable 3-year-old boy is in search of a home where he can be the center of attention. Hi -- I’m Pepito, a playful and affectionate long-hair orange tabby. I’ve been with my family since I was a kitten but when they recently brought the baby home I was not happy! We all decided I would be happier in a home without babies or young children so I get all of the attention.
I’m quite playful. Chasing balls and laser pointers are among my favorites. I’m not at all shy and go right up to greet visitors. I got along and played with the other cat in my home. I purr a lot and love to be with you, beside you, in your lap, sleeping with you – you get the idea! I love a sunny window to nap and bask in. I like to be brushed and use my scratching posts. Does it sound like I might be a delightful addition to your home? I hope so! Come meet me at the shelter – I’m waiting to play!